Are you open to learning and gaining more insight into yourself?
Insight is an educational non-profit organization in the field of personal development and personal leadership.
The seminars support you to bring out the best version of yourself and to live the life you desire,
in line with your own goals and values, so that you achieve more success in every area of life.
How do we do that? By providing you with practical tools and insight in a safe environment, led by a highly experienced facilitator and supported by a team of supervisors; interactive and experience-oriented.
Knowledge, concepts and insights are presented through presentations, interspersed with exercises that help you implement your lessons in your life; from insight and more self-awareness to behavior. We work with all aspects of life: physical, mental, emotional, financieel en relational.
We are convinced that, especially in this modern world that can demand a lot from you, Insight is a wonderful gift to yourself.
Are you open to learning new things about yourself?
Are you ready to give your life a boost?
Would you like to have a life with more self-confidence, deep relationships, success and fun?
Register now, discover your own strength and experience your best life!
We work with practical individual and group exercises, short presentations, discussions and visualizations.
In 1978, John-Roger and Russell Bishop founded the Insight Seminars to really help people move forward.
In recent years, the lives of more than 1.5 million people in more than 46 countries have been enriched. Including in the US, Belgium and England.
Discover your inner strength
A fun, educational and energetic three-day program in which you discover how to create a life you desire.
Nederland: 30mei – 1 juni 2025
België: 24-26 oktober 2025
Committing to the Power of Your Heart
In a safe and guided environment you free yourself from what is holding you back in your life.
2 t/m 6 juli 2025 in Antwerpen
Live from your inner strength
Building on the tools you learned in I and II, Insight III is about centering yourself. In the form of a retreat you learn to continuously empower yourself.
In recent years, more and more Dutch people have traveled abroad to participate in Insight Seminars.
Also our team. Thanks to participation in Insight in the US, Cyprus, Bulgaria, England and Belgium, we feel: it is time to bring Insight to the Netherlands.
Van 1993 tot 2001 werden de Insight Seminars in België live aangeboden en ontdekten zo’n 400 deelnemers de diepe en transformerende kracht van de Insight Seminars.
Iedereen die de Insight Seminars toen heeft gevolgd is 20 jaar later nog altijd een dankbare getuige van de blijvende impact en verandering die de seminaries in hun leven hebben teweeg gebracht.
During Insight seminars there is room to be completely yourself. Sharing your story creates a warm bond and even friendships. It is nice and educational to share your experience with each other afterwards.After attending an Insight seminar, many participants stay in touch to continue the learning process with each other outside of the seminar.
Want to get in touch with like-minded people?
"Insight has helped me make choices that I always wanted to make, but for some reason never found the strength to do before."
“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Keep learning. Play without restraint. Choose without regret. Smile! Do what you love. Love as if this is all there is.”
“Your vision will become clear when you look into your heart; who looks outside, dreams; who looks within, awakens”
“Insight is hier om onszelf en daarmee de wereld om ons heen te helpen transformeren tot liefhebben.”